Advantages for AC Contractors that Smoke their Systems
Introduction: The AC contractor, whether fairly or not, is held most responsible for the success or failure for most energy efficiency programs. The reason is fairly simple: duct leakage is a mystery and unknown as a factor in most every program. We can immediately assign numbers for the type of windows, insulation levels, HVAC equipment ratings, etc., but when it comes time for "Pass" or "Fail", it all boils down to a manometer reading that measures duct leakage. Let us all pray that it is low, because all of the other measures were bought at the minimal level expecting all ductwork to be super tight. This is the point that everyone gets in trouble because: 1. The AC contractor believes that the installation is tight because he has not been told otherwise and can't see leakage. 2. The Energy Rater believes that merely taking a measurement at the end of construction and entering the result in a program will magically transform the ductwork into a non-leaking duct system. 3. The Builder will be angry at both AC Contractor and Energy Rater above if the expected "Feel Good" result is not achieved.
There are several key factors of why you as an AC Contractor would want to smoke and seal your ducts at rough-in stage: